Owner Builder Beckenham, WA
When Robert, a retired engineer from Beckenham WA designed his home, he wanted a solar roof that would be aesthetically pleasing and power his home with both electricity and hot water.

“I was particularly interested in Tractile because of the Australian design and high quality,” Robert says.
Robert chose a 12kWp system for his 220sqm roof, of which 72sqm comprises Tractile solar tiles, featuring two 6kWp systems with two hybrid inverters feeding two large batteries. Tractile’s composite tiles make up the remaining 148sqm.
“This means we are mostly off-grid and have put back into the grid 3000kWh in the last 3 months,” Robert says.
The alternative considered was corrugated iron with solar panels, which Robert chose against, both because of the look and the longevity of the roof.
” The fittings connecting corrugated iron and solar panels can start to corrode leading to having to replace the roof, which I’ve seen on another house,” he says.
“I was really keen to have an integrated solar roof and Tractile’s solar tiles and plain tiles together meet that specification.”
Robert takes advantage of the water running through the back of Tractile’s solar tiles, both for the cooling effects to maintain solar cell output during hot weather and to have pre-heated hot water which can be boosted for domestic use.

The solar tiles water channels are kept in a closed circuit, meaning the water never enters the supply used in the house. Instead, the pre-heated hot water runs through a heat exchange tank, which is then boosted by a heat pump to be used domestically and for pool heating and in-floor heating, if required.
As hot water equates to approximately 40% of Australian household energy bills, the power saved from sing the heat from Tractile’s solar tile water channels is significant.
Robert says, “Tractile is the Rolls Royce of roofs and the support you receive is first rate. It you are looking for a top-quality product, design aesthetics with potentially a long life, you should definitely consider Tractile.”
Tractile Packages

Tractile Roof
A Tractile premium quality roof designed and built for Australian conditions.
- Corrosion resistant material.
- Bushfire rated (BAL-40).
- Cyclone and hailstorm proof.
What's included
- Tractile Roof Tiles
- Option to add integrated solar tiles at a later stage

Tractile Solar
An integrated solar roof generating electricity to power an average 4 person home.
- A roof designed for Australian conditions.
- Sustainable lifestyle and electricity cost savings.
What's included
- 50 Tractile Solar Tiles*
- Tractile Roof Tiles
- Choice of AC Inverter
- App Monitoring
- Option to add heated water for domestic use with a heat exchanger
- Option to add a battery

Tractile Solar Plus
Solar energy production with electrical energy storage to power the home or electric vehicles day and night.
- Award-winning roof made for Australian conditions.
- Sustainable lifestyle and electricity cost savings.
- Electrical energy storage and return energy to the grid.
What's included
- 80 Tractile Solar Tiles*
- Tractile Roof Tiles
- Choice of AC Inverter
- Choice of battery
- App Monitoring
- Option to add heated water for domestic use with a heat exchanger
- Option to add a car charger
* Number of tiles estimated based on optimal solar performance.

Tractile Solar Ultimate
Generate and store both electrical and thermal energy (heated water) to sustainably power and heat a large home, including pools, spas and floor heating.
- Award-winning roof made for Australian conditions
- Sustainable lifestyle and cost savings for a large family with high energy needs
- Solar heated water for domestic use, pool heating and underfloor heating
- Additional power for electric vehicles
What's included
- 100 - 200 Tractile Solar Tiles
- Tractile Roof Tiles
- Choice of AC Inverter
- Choice of Battery
- Choice of Heat Exchanger
- App Monitoring
- Option to add hydronic floor heating
- Option to add pool heating
Get a Tractile roof for your home
To find out more about getting a Tractile roof on your home, including a quote, speak to our team. We are experts in roofing and building integrated solar technology.